
A small selection of images from performance art actions 2002-2020. I have produced, co-produced and participated in hundreds of performance art actions during almost 20 years. The most active period was 2002-2013 when I was a member of an artist group Non Grata  as well as experimental art groups CnOPT and F.L.Y.. I have performed in almost all European countries, New York, Miami, Kentucky, South Korea, smaller and bigger performance art festivals and guerilla art actions. All the images owned by me unless stated differently. 
"KINO" performance art action at Endla theater, Pärnu, Estonia, at the opening of international Film- & Videofestival" 2003 (About the illusions and reality. How the genre of moving pictures reforms our minds and lives.)
Flower child
"Flower child" Performance at Annemäe farm, Langerma, Estonia 2014. ( Everything in our lives depend on the points of view and the previous experiences. Looking the life through the flowers gives a point of the view of the creator.)
Truth about non grata
"Truth about non grata" Performance in collaboration with Billeneeve (Est). "Survival" performance art festival, Berlin, Germany ( About being thankful for all the experiences in life -good or bad. Often the most painful lessons are the most valuable.)
Indirect communication
"Indirect communication" Performance at "Arsenals art museum in Latvia. (The communication without communicating. The messages you involuntarily send.)
Beauty for all seasons
"Beauty for all seasons" Performance on the opening of personal exhibition "Retrograde paintings" gallery NG Art Container, Tallinn. (About the concept of beauty and the accepted norms in society.)
Ultimate truth
"Ultimate truth" video performance in collaboration with Ig Noir, Kaarel Kütas, Rodrig Kokla & Meeland Sepp. At Polymer culture factory, Tallinn. (Does the ultimate truth exist? Denying the ultimate truth seems to prove it`s existence.)
Printmaking IN
"Printmaking IN" Performance at the opening ceremony of graphic arts festival in Pärnu, Estonia
"Printmaking IN" Performance at the opening ceremony of graphic arts festival in Pärnu, Estonia
Big Performance
"War" a performance as part of a multi disciplinary Big Performance at Pärnu concert hall 2007. (Confrontation of the culture in post modern era)
"Lucid dreaming" Tallin, Estonia
"Fly doggies" Tartu, Estonia
"Rabbits funeral" New York, U.S.A.
Berlin, Germany
"Supermarket" Marseille, France
"Indirect communication" Arsenals museum, Riga, Latvia
"100 jumps" Pärnu, Estonia
"rise, great country" 2010 Tampere, Finland
New York, U.S.A.
"War" Pärnu, Estonia
"Art is not to do art but to recognize art" Pärnu, Estonia
"Mother`s heart" Imatra, Finland
"Fame" Pori, Finland
"Branding" 2007 New York, Manhattan
"For the rats", Soul, South Korea